Your clients can rely on you. Your career can rely on us.
Built around you.
Built by JDs from top schools and firms who found the lateral process frustrating (Why the sales calls? What do you mean you can’t just give me a list of where you’ve sent me? What do you mean you assumed you had permission?"), Right Move JD is transparent and custom-tuned to your needs.
Every search is an exploration to discover your personal Venn diagram— which firms want you, which firms you want, and how to find the best long-term move in that overlap.
The concept is simple, but the strategy can be complex and long-ranging.
Informed by your interview and your materials, we put everything on the table for you: These are the jobs that want you. All of them. Ordered so best fits are first, but without editorial bluster— recruiter lists often have gaps that are occluded by commentary. You’re a busy professional. You don’t need a salespitch, you need information.
The other list we provide is firms without an active need, but where you might be strong enough for them to answer when we knock, or you should at least be ready to pull the trigger the moment that door opens with a new job. Too many recruiters forget about you after a first round of effort. With Right Move, we can provide alerts tailored to you, and move quickly when the market does.
Integrity First. That makes everything else easy.
We know the recruiter horror stories (we’ve lived them). You’ll always know where you’ve been submitted because we never do anything without your explicit permission in writing, and we’ll always keep your file (and you) up-to-date.
What do we ask in return? Our service is free because if we’re working with you, we believe in your candidacy. If you make one-off submissions via friends or other recruiters, we can’t help you navigate offers or leverage competing firms against each other. The tools we use to do the heavy lifting don’t work if we can’t confidently use one firm’s interest to drum up the others. We’re here to do the heavy lifting within a comprehensive strategy— don’t cut us out of choice roles because you accidentally took a persuasive cold call.